About Us

Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes



Our vision is to be the most sustainable and innovative utility in the region.


Our mission is to provide our customers a safe, clean and sufficient water supply through a reliable and interactive system that meets customer expectations, and all State and Federal standards, while delivering great value at a reasonable cost.

2024 Holidays

The office will be closed on the following days in 2024:

December 24 & 25, 2024 (Tues & Wed) - Christmas Holiday

The office will be closed on the following days in 2025:

January 1, 2025 (Wednesday) - New Year's Day

April 18, 2025 (Friday) - Spring Holiday

May 26, 2025 (Monday) - Memorial Day

July 4, 2025 (Friday) - Independence Day

September 1, 2025 (Monday) - Labor Day

November 27 & 28, 2025 (Thur & Fri) - Thanksgiving Holiday

December 24 & 25, 2025 (Wed & Thur) - Christmas Holiday


We operate in a cost-effective manner resulting in reasonable rates. We are fair, honest, and proactive in exceeding customer expectations and maintaining their trust. We are a good steward of the utility assets and infrastructure, positioning ourselves to anticipate and sustain future needs and regulations. We are a workforce that values respect, safety, teamwork, professional development, and each other. We are a strong member of the business community and industry actively involved in bettering the region. We seek to create collaborative partnerships where appropriate.

Key Goals

  • Security: Represents an ongoing assessment and implementation of security measures in a proactive and cost-effective manner.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Represents an ongoing assessment of all options for meeting or exceeding existing and future Federal/State standards and communicating the impact to our customers and stakeholders.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: Represents a comprehensive approach to long-term fiscal soundness through planning, revenue enhancement, operational efficiency, and long-term rate strategy.
  • Infrastructure: Represents an ongoing assessment and management of the District's aging infrastructure and new infrastructure needs, including providing service to our unserved customers, in a cost-effective manner.
  • Customer Service: Represents the establishment of the most effective options to meet and exceed the expectations, and water and informational needs of our customers through innovative technology.
  • Staff: Represents an effort to maintain a safe and desirable workplace, remaining competitive with total compensation, recognition, and ongoing training and succession planning programs, with a focus on building teamwork and inclusiveness.
  • Education and Communication: Represents continuous interaction with our customers, community, legislative bodies, and regulatory agencies to inform and educate them as to how we operate and plan to meet and exceed their needs.

Strategic Initiatives

To reach our vision, to fulfill our mission, to reinforce our values, while accomplishing our goals, the District undertakes the following initiatives and maintains the following competencies:

  • Strategic Planning with the Board and Management Team setting priority goals and strategic direction.
  • The District has adopted an Asset Management Program (AMP) to provide a long-term planning guide to address changing regulatory requirements, infrastructure system needs, and long-term rate strategy.
  • Annual five (5) year Capital Budget to focus on larger capital items that will need financing in the near future.
  • Annual one (1) year Operating, Maintenance, Capital Budget for current service delivery needs.

Continue to meet our strategic initiatives with accountability, transparency, and oversight.

Strategic District Facts

NKWD serves approximately 300,000 people in Campbell and Kenton Counties and a portion of Boone County. NKWD additionally sells water wholesale to Bullock Pen Water District (Grant County), Walton Waterworks Department, and Pendleton County Water District (Pendleton County).

  • Over 229 square miles of a total service area
  • 1,327 miles of water main
  • Three (3) water treatment plants with a total capacity of 64 million gallons per day (MGD)
  • Thirteen (13) distribution pump stations
  • Nineteen (19) water storage tanks
Northern Kentucky Water District